Instruction Manuals


Hugger  |  Vertie  |  Spudster


Hugger, The Downspout Planter

Short printable version of the Hugger instruction manual here 

Step 1 to install the Hugger planter: gather your materials and instruments Step 2 to install the Hugger planter

Planting Your Downspout Planter

  • Add about 1 cup of potting soil to your empty Hugger.

  • Loosen plants roots and place over soil.

  • Add dirt until it reaches the level just below the planter’s rim.

  • Pat down gently but firmly to ensure your plant has a good hold.

  • Add plenty of water and continue to do so over the following few days to help the plant establish itself.

Step 04 Instructions to install your Hugger planter Step 5 for installing your Hugger planter

Installing Your Downspout Planter

  • Decide on the location of your Hugger(s) along your downspout(s) and remember to pick a height that allows for easy watering.

  • Gently push Hugger unto rain pipe and hold it with one hand.

  • Put the fastening strap into place by inserting one end in one of the pot’s notches, wrap it around the downspout and then insert the other end into the notch on the opposite side.

  •  Fasten as tightly as possible.

  • The snug fit and the customized back of Hugger will prevent it from sliding down.


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    Vertie, The Wall Planter


    Short, printable instruction manual for Vertie here

    You will need:

    • Your Wall Planter and all accessories that came in the box
    • A paper bag (cut open) or newspaper to protect your work area from dirt
    • Tape measure and level. To pick the location of your planter and to make sure it's not crooked
    • Phillips screwdriver and/or drill, depending on your wall type
    • Scissors
    Buy plant(s) appropriate for the location of your planter. Are you planting indoors or outdoors? Will the plants get direct sunlight or not?

      The best way to fit the root wrapper into the planter is to cut it down to the same width as the opening of the pouch. This way, you won't have any difficulties sliding it into the pouch with the plants inside it.

      Have your plants ready. Like I mentioned before, make sure to pick plants that work in the space your planter will be located. For example, I am hanging this planter in my kitchen. It is a fairly light space, but there is no direct light.  I want to have some variety in my planter, therefore I picked 3 different types of small leafy indoor plants. The amount of light in the room should be just right.

      I picked three, because as a rule of thumb odd numbers make for good proportions/design.

      Take them out of their containers and lay them out on the felt you have just cut to size.  Loosen the roots, as you would with any other plants you will be planting in a container. 

      Fold the felt and slide it into the Wall Planter. The plants don't need additional soil. The roots will work themselves into the root wrapper and they will get nourishment from the retained moisture in the felt and at the bottom of the Wall Planter.

      Remember not to put too much water in the planter. You don't want the roots of your plants to sit in water.
      This is the first part. Now let's hang it up.



      Make sure you water and fertilize based on the plants you have. Sometimes you'll have to water differently within one planter, because one likes more water than the other! 

      If plants are too deep in container use crunched up paper bag or newspaper to lift.

      The bottom of Vertie works as a reservoir. Reduces the watering periods.

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      Spudster, The Potato Pot

      Short, printable version of the Spudster instruction manual here

      Planting your Potato Pot

      • Plant three seed potatoes in inner pot, preferably in peat moss.
      • Locate them in center of pot, mid height, leaving some space in between them.
      • Insert inner pot into outer pot and water thoroughly.

      Caring for your Potato Plant

      • Water regularly, preferably daily. Fertilize occasionally.
      • Place in warm and bright location.
      • Cover pot with plastic sheet or plexiglass until potatoes sprout.
      • Alternately, pre-sprout potatoes, which shortens harvesting time by 2 weeks: in February place seed potatoes in bright natural light at about 68F, let sprout.
      • Starting with your plant inside is okay, but move pot outdoors once potatoes sprout.
      At any time lift the inner pot out of the outer pot and monitor the progress of your potatoes!
      Start harvesting after 8 to 10 weeks.
      • To harvest in mid-May, plant in mid-March, to harvest in early June, plant in early April
      • New potatoes will grow until first frost
      • Trim lanky plants down to 10”
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